Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The 11th Commandment - Tease not lest ye be teased.

I admit that I have a terrible habit - I pick on my grandchildren. Now, I do pick on them, but it isn't out of meanness - mischievousness would better fit the situation. Unfortunately, as they have grown older, they have learned how to play the game and I am frequently on the receiving end of their wit.

My youngest grandchild is August, who is almost 9 years old. When she was about 4 or 5, she was riding in the back seat of the car and she was pretending to be a policewoman writing tickets. I'm sure you can guess who was the recipient of all those tickets - it appears that I couldn't do anything right. Finally, I complained about all the tickets and why she was being so mean to me. Well, she didn't answer me directly - she merely said, "I love my job!"

Fast forward to this past Sunday - she was going to church with us and, as per our routine, I was teasing her. After this long back and forth about something, she just kind of shook her head and said to me "Grandaddy, you have sooo many things wrong with you."

Out of the mouths of babes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh, Ed. There need to be more books written about the things kids say. They come up with some of the funniest material.

Ed of Chesapeake said...

Yeah, and my grandchildren have it down to a science at "insulting" me. They just crack me up. Thanks for reading and commenting!